Grievance Redressal

Grievance Redressal

(Bye-laws relating to the grievance redressal mechanism for students as approved by the SAU Governing Board in its meeting held on 18.12.2017)

1. That all issues within the University community should be resolved through discussions and negotiations and through the Grievance Redressal Mechanism and that the use of violence, intimidation and coercive methods such as gheraos and dharnas or any other activity which disrupts the normal academic or administrative functioning of the University inside the University buildings, and locking out of the University buildings shall not be resorted to.

2. That all members of the University community have the right to privacy and that residential area of the teachers and staff shall in no case be used as venues of protests and agitations.

3. A student or a group of students who have grievance, should first approach the heads of the concerned departments. These could be Senior warden for hostel related issues, Deans of Faculties for academic issues, Deans of Students for issues related to students cultural or sports activities, Librarian for issues related to library, Director Finance for issues related to the working of the Finance Branch. It is expected in most cases, the grievance is resolved to the satisfaction of the students. Grievances should be submitted to the appropriate body within a reasonable time.

4. If the grievance cannot be resolved at the level of Heads of Departments, the student/students may approach the Standing Committee for Redressal of Grievance (SCORG) for the redressal of grievance.

5. SCORG will be a three member committee that shall be nominated for the period of two years by the President, at least one of the members of SCORG should be a woman faculty member and as far as possible, all members should be from different SAARC countries. SCORG will formulate its own procedure for making enquires and framing its recommendations that will be forwarded to the President.

6. The SCORG should try to resolve the grievance as speedily as possible but in no case later than 4 weeks from the date the complaint is lodged in writing to the Committee.

7. The decision of the SCORG shall be final and binding.

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