Alumni Association

Alumni Association

Framework of Bye-Law on Alumni Association of South Asian University, New Delhi

SAU Alumni Network

1. Background of the University

South Asian University (SAU) is an International University established by the eight member nations of South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) viz. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

SAU started its operations from the academic year 2010. The University now offers post graduate and doctoral programmes in various disciplines that include Development Economics, Computer Science, Biotechnology, Mathematics, Sociology, International Relations and Law. The University is currently functioning from Akbar Bhawan Campus in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.

In order to connect alumni to the University and to each other, to provide valued service to members and to support the University’s mission, the Alumni Association of South Asian University (AASAU) is proposed herewith, as per Rule 30 of SAU Rules.

 2. Name of the Association: The Association shall be named as the “Alumni Association of South Asian University” (AASAU).

 3. Registered Office

The office of the Association shall be located within the University campus. The Association will thus operate from the campus.

 4. Objectives of the Association

4.1 To promote the advancement, interests, and welfare of South Asian University (SAU)

4.2 To collect funds and donations to support specific academic activities at SAU, including financial support to poor and needy meritorious students.

4.3 To facilitate and further, strong collaboration amongst the scholars and institutions within and outside SAARC Region with SAU.

4.4 To facilitate close link between the alumni of SAU and the University.

4.5 To organize events and activities that would foster friendship and sharing of cultures within the South Asian Region.

4.6 To act as goodwill ambassadors of SAU within and outside the SAARC region.

4.7 To provide academic and professional interaction and networking among the SAU alumni.

4.8 To help alumni in distress.

4.9 To promote social and cultural activities of former and current students of the University.

4.10 To promote regional consciousness in South Asian Region.

4.11 Facilitate SAU’s awareness in local, national, and international communities.

4.12 To create platform for honouring the alumni of SAU, who have distinguished themselves in their respective fields and have attained national and international recognition.

5. Membership of AASAU

 5.1 Regular membership of the Association would be open to all students who have obtained degrees from the South Asian University.

5.2 Associate membership of the AASAU will be available to:

a. Present and past faculty members and senior administrative functionaries of the University.

b. Students enrolled in SAU academic programs.

c. Distinguished persons who have been conferred honorary degrees by SAU or have been associated with the activities of SAU.

5.3 Associate Member under clause 5.2 above shall have all rights and privileges admissible to the regular members except the voting rights, and eligibility to be a member of the Executive Council of the AASAU.

6. Membership and Membership fees

6.1 Members / Associate members shall enrol themselves by filling up the registration form, either in person or electronically and upon payment of the prescribed fee.

6.2 Annual membership fee of the AASAU will be US$ 10 or equivalent Indian Rupees for both Members and Associate Members. Life-time Membership fee for both categories will be US$ 100 or equivalent Indian Rupees.

6.3 Life-time Membership of students enrolled as associate members under clause 5.2b will continue after they have completed their degrees at SAU but they will be re-designated as Regular Members. .

6.4 The Association shall maintain a register of members and it shall be open to inspection by all members.

6.5 A member may resign from the Association with a notice of 15 days but their Membership fee will not be refunded.

6.6 A member shall be allowed to vote in any election or mandate, only if he/she has paid the annual membership fees for that period, or is a life member.

7. Management

The General Body shall elect Executive Committee and Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee.

7.1 General Body

7.1.1 The General Body consists of all registered members and shall meet at least once in a year at Delhi.

7.1.2 Any meeting of the General Body shall require a minimum of one tenth of the total membership in order to form the quorum for the meeting with representation preferably from each SAARC country. Provided that the quorum prescribed above will not be necessary for an adjourned meeting held thirty minutes after the scheduled time.

7.1.3 The General Body shall have the authority to consider and decide all matters related to the Association and provide a broad policy framework towards the functioning of the Association, including adoption of Annual Report, adopting the Audit Report and Annual Statement of Accounts as certified by auditors, adoption of budget for the ensuing year.

7.1.4 There shall be elections by the General Body in order to elect the Executive Committee, hereafter referred to as EC. The Elections will be held only through postal ballot and e-ballot. The tenure of the elected EC will be two years from the date on which they assume the charge.

7.1.5 All regular members of the Association shall have the voting rights. Such members shall also be eligible to be elected to the EC. No member shall be elected to EC for more than two terms consecutively.

7.1.6 In any case if the elections are not conducted at a decided time, the elected committee of EC should continue till the next elections are conducted as per the rules of 7.1.2 and 7.1.3.

7.1.7 An advance notice of at least 21 days shall be given to all the members for holding meetings of the General Body.

 7.2 Executive Committee

7.2.1 The Association shall be managed and governed by a Body of Executive Committee consisting of 12 members, elected by the General Body from among the regular members of the association. In order to give due representation to alumni of all member countries, preferably one member from each member country be on the Executive Committee. No member of the Alumni Association shall be entitled to vote or stand for election unless he/she has been a regular member of the Association for at least one year, prior to the date of the election. Provided that the condition relating to the completion of one year’s membership shall not apply in the case of the first election after the establishment of the University.

7.2.2 The term of the Elected/nominated members of the EC for two year. They would be eligible for re-election/re-nomination for one additional term.

7.2.3 The composition of the EC is as follows:

* Chairperson

* Vice Chairperson

* General Secretary

* Treasurer

* Members ( Eight : one each from each SAARC country)

* Dean, Alumni Affairs (ex-officio), to be nominated by the President, SAU.

* A nodal officer from the SAU administration, custodian of the AASAU records, to be nominated by the President, SAU. (Non-voting member)

7.2.4 An advance notice of 21 days shall be given to all the members for holding the meeting of the Executive meeting, with a copy of the agenda.

7.2.5 A minimum of two-third (2/3) members including Chairperson, General Secretary and Dean (Alumni Affairs) shall form the quorum for holding the meetings of the Executive committee.

7.2.6 Participation of members for the meetings of the Executive Council is also permitted through Skpe / phone.

7.2.7 No expenses other than local conveyance and hospitality shall be borne by the Assocation(AASAU).

 7.3 Elections

7.3.1 Only regular members of the Association shall be eligible for membership of the Executive Committee. (EC)

7.3.3 There shall be an Election Committee comprising two members of the Association who are not candidates for re-election or election to office, to be nominated by the Chairperson of the AASAU, and the Dean, Alumani Affairs, at SAU. The election committee will be chaired by the immediate past Chairperson, or the immediate past Vice Chairperson if the Chairperson is not available. The Election Committee shall present nominees for membership on the EC as per para 7.1.4 and 7.2.

7.3.4 Regular members of the Association from the General Body may file nomination of candidates to fill up the positions in EC.

7.3.6 Every nomination shall be duly proposed and seconded by different regular members of the Association. If more than one nomination is received for any position, elections may be held to select the positions through secret ballot.

7.3.7 Candidates for the position of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer may be citizens of any of the SAARC countries. For operational considerations, any of these two office bearers may be located in Delhi. Executive Committee members may preferably be one each from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. In absence of nominations from one or more Member States, nomination from other Members states may be considered.

7.3.8 A regular member of the association will have the right to cast one vote only for each open position. Proxy voting will not be allowed.

7.3.9 The results of the election shall be published in the publication of the Association and displayed on the website and notice board of the AASAU.

 7.4 Powers and Functions of the EC

The EC shall have the following powers and functions:

7.4.1 The EC shall have the power to plan and carry out its activities and shall have the financial powers to do so. Based upon the planned activities, the Secretary in consultation with other EC members will present an annual budget to be approved by the EC.

7.4.2 The EC shall have the power to open a bank account, receive and spend money by maintaining proper accounts.

7.4.3 All decisions in the EC will be taken by simple majority of the members present, except in case of disciplinary action against a member, which shall require two third of the members present and voting.

7.4.4 Till the election and constitution of the first Executive Committee, the affairs of the Association shall be managed and governed by a committee consisting of first five founding members of the AASAU to be chaired by the Dean, AASAU affairs at SAU

 7.5 Vacancies and Expulsions


In case of a vacancy arising in the EC, the same may be filled i) by nomination, in case the remaining period of the EC is less than 6 months; ii) by election, in case the remaining period of EC is 6 months or more.


In case a member is found to work against the interest(s) of AASAU or is found involved in serious misconduct, he/she may be suspended by the Executive Committee of AASAU, after service him/her Show Cause Notice and providing opportunity to explain his/her conduct. This would be subject to further consideration of the next General Body meeting which may decide to revoke the suspension or expel him/her from the EC or the primary membership of AASAU for a period specified by the GBM.

8 Duties and powers of the EC members

 8.1 Chairperson

The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the Association. The Chairperson shall have all the powers to manage the Association in accordance with the Bye Laws of the Association.

The Chairperson shall decide on the date, time and venue of the meeting in consultation with the General Secretary. The Chairperson or the General Secretary shall be the co-signatory with the Treasurer for issuing cheques and also for the accounts of the Association, including the annual report and the annual budget. However, in case the Chairperson and General Secretary are from different countries, it can be signed by any one of the signatory but only after obtaining electronic approval from the other signatory and due records of all transactions may be kept for auditing etc.

 8.2 Vice Chairperson

In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the Association. He/ she shall perform all other duties of the President.

8.3 General Secretary

8.3.1 The General Secretary shall convene and organise the meetings of the EC, General Body and any other meetings that may be scheduled, in consultation with the Chairperson. He/she shall record the minutes of the meetings.

8.3.2 The General Secretary may be the co-signatory with the Treasurer or any other office bearer for all bank transactions.

8.3.3 The General Secretary shall carry out implementation of the decisions of the EC and the General Body of the Association.

8.3.4 The General Secretary shall make all correspondences with the members and the EC of the Association and shall maintain proper logs and records.

8.3.5 The General Secretary shall maintain the names, addresses and occupations of the AASAU members and the EC members.

8.3.6 He/she shall maintain all records of the Association, document the minutes of the meetings. He/she shall prepare the Annual Report of the Association for presentation to the EC and the General Body.

8.4 Treasurer

8.4.1 The Treasurer shall operate the funds of the Association after approval of a committee comprising the Chairperson and the General Secretary of AASAU and the Dean (Alumni Affairs) of SAU.

8.4.2 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of the financial records, which includes the fees collection, expenditure and the balance amount and accounts of the Association, including annual audit of accounts.

8.4.3 The Treasurer shall be the co-signatory with the General Secretary or the Chairperson in financial matters of the Association (signing of the cheques, Annual Statements of Accounts and the Annual Budget).

8.4.4 The Treasurer along with the General Secretary shall prepare and present the Annual Budget, Annual Statement of Accounts in the meetings of the EC / General Body.

 9. Relations with the University

9.1 The AASAU or any of its chapters shall not publish, release or endorse to the public any statement, complaint, adverse comments or recommendation that conflicts in any way with the policies of the University or shows the University in poor light.

9.2 AASAU will keep university fully informed about all its activities. All agenda papers, minutes, annual reports, audit reports and other documents for circulation will be copied to the Registrar, SAU

9.3 AASAU will provide contents for the Alumni web-pages on the SAU website and monitor the activities on these web pages.

10. Funds of the Association

10.1 The Association shall have its own fund derived from subscriptions, fees, donations, grants as well as income from investments and other sources. All expenses incurred by the Association shall be made therefrom.

10.2 Fund Utilization: All expenditure paid out of the fund shall be incurred solely for the promotion of aims and objects for which the Association has been established and in the manner as approved by the Governing Board. Expenditures upto INR Rs. 1000/- may be made by the General Secretary. Expenditures above INR Rs. 1000/- and upto INR Rs. 50000/- may be made after approval of the committee as mentioned in clause 8.4.1. Expenditures above INR Rs. 50000/- to be made after the approval of the Executive Council as per clause 7.2.3

10.3 The Treasurer or any other official of the Association shall not keep funds of the Association exceeding US$ 100/INR 6000/- for more than a week.

10.4 The Accounts of the Association shall be maintained in a bank and shall be jointly operated by the Treasurer with either the Chairperson or the General Secretary.

10.5 The accounts of the Association shall be audited at least once a year by an Auditor, who will be appointed by the Executive Committee of AASAU.

10.6 The auditor shall examine the Annual Statement of Accounts consisting of Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure A/c and Receipt & Payment A/c. He/she shall have access to accounts, vouchers and other records during the audit process.

10.7 The annual accounts of the Association, together with the Audit Report thereon, shall be laid before the General Body, as far as practicable at its annual meetings. If the statement of audited accounts is not ready by the date of annual meeting, it shall be placed before the General Body at a subsequent meeting.

11. Privileges of the members

(Members including Associate Member/Associate Life Member as defined under clause 5)

a. Alumni photo identity cards shall be provided to all regular and associate members of the AASAU.

b. The members of AASAU will have the privilege of participating in the AASAU events as well as University’s events such as conferences, seminars, cultural activities that are organized by the University, and to hold office in the Association as per para 7 above.

c. The members will have the privilege to use the University’s facilities like the Library, Sports complex, Guest house (on payment), Convention halls and other facilities of the University that are available in the University on payment of certain fee as per rules and regulation of the University.

d. The members shall be eligible to receive all official publications of Association.

 12. Meetings of the Association

a. There shall be at least one meeting of the General Body of AASAU in one calendar year.

b. A notice of 30 days shall be given for holding the meeting of the General Body and 21 days’ notice for EC meetings.

c. One tenth of the total members shall form the quorum required for the meeting of the General Body, provided that the quorum prescribed above will not be necessary when a meeting adjourned due to the lack of quorum is re-convened after half an hour.

d. The minutes of the previous meeting shall be circulated within two weeks of the meeting and placed in the next meeting by the General Secretary for confirmation along with a report on action taken on the points.

 13. Records to be maintained

The Association shall maintain such books of accounts and other books in relation to its accounts and record keeping in such form and manner as may be determined in consultation with the auditors of the Association and Executive Committee.

a. Register of members

b. Bye- Laws of the Association

c. Agenda and Minutes book for keeping full record of Agendas and Minutes of the Executive Committee, General Body Meetings and all other meetings of the Association.

d. Accounts of the Association: The accounts shall be uploaded in the University website on a biannual basis for transparency.

e. Audit Reports of AASAU funds.

 14. AASAU Chapters

a. Alumni Association of SAU shall strive to have at least one chapter in all SAARC member countries in order to have presence of the association in all the member states as well as to promote the fellowship and welfare of the alumni, and students residing the chapter area/country. Such chapters shall function/plan its activities as per the rules and laws prevailing in that country.

b. To recruit volunteer assistance for various programs of Association and the University in the respective chapter area.

c. Chapters shall be governed by an Executive body headed by Chief Executive duly elected by the Chapter members and a Secretary also duly elected by the member of State Chapter, the number of which shall be determined by the Chapter Byelaws. The tenure of the Executive body, Chief Executive and Secretary shall be two year. All members of the Chapter directors shall be Regular or Associate Members of the AASAU.

d. The application and byelaws of the proposed Chapter shall be considered at a meeting of the Executive body to determine whether they fulfil the conditions of clause 14, para (a) and b). If the Executive Body approves the application and byelaws of the proposed Chapter, the application shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee of the AASAU, which shall take final action on the application of the proposed Chapter.

e. A charter of Chapter Byelaws entitles the Chapter to obtain assistance from the Association for such services as planning programs, printing notices thereof and mailing. Such assistance may be subsidized in part by the Association for organizational purposes, but otherwise the Chapter shall be charged for the costs incurred.

f. In order to retain its charter, a Chapter must hold at least one general meeting each year at which business is transacted.

g. Prepare an annual report of its activities for the information of the AASAU.

15. Annual Report

Executive Committee of AASAU shall prepare an Annual Report for distribution to the General Body of the Association, on or before 1st January of each year.

16. Fund raising

Fund raising of the Association and its chapters will be for the purpose of sustaining their own activity.

 17. Fiscal Year

The Fiscal year of the Association and its chapters shall be from 1st January to 31st December.

 18. Website

The website of the AASAU would be hosted within the website of the SAU. AASAU will contribute contents for these webpages and closely work with the University to monitor these pages.

19. Amendments

a. Amendments to the Byelaws of the Association shall only be made by the Executive Council of SAU. Amendments proposed by the by the Executive Committee of AASAU and duly approved by its General Body, will be submitted to the Registrar of SAU along with their justification. The amendments will be scrutinized by the Executive Council of the SAU. If the Executive Council of SAU does not approve the amendments, they will be referred back to the AASAU along with the suggestions of the Executive Council.

b. After approval by the SAU Executive Council, the Amendments shall take effect and be uploaded on the University’s website.

20. Office of the Association

The office of AASAU shall be in the SAU campus in New Delhi.

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