South Asian University is an international university established by the governments of the eight member states of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) viz., Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The University has now moved to its own beautiful 100 acres campus at Maidan Garhi. The University, established with the aim of evolving a South Asian consciousness, offers Master’s and PhD level programmes in the following disciplines:

    • Biotechnology
    • Computer Science
    • Economics
    • International Relations
    • Legal Studies 
    • Mathematics
    • Sociology

SAU attracts students from all member states and its degrees are recognized by all the eight SAARC countries. The university does not restrict admissions to students from outside SAARC countries.

A student can register for as many programmes as s/he desires subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria and as long as the Entrance Test timings do not clash. For each programme, a separate application has to be filled.  

A certain category of PhD candidates will be called directly for interviews. They are exempted from the Entrance Test. For details, see “PhD Programmes”. However, such candidates, if they desire, can take the Entrance Test also in addition to applying through Direct Mode.  Separate applications need to be filled for each mode of admission.

From this year, the university announces admissions to new programmes in the Department of Computer Science, namely, B.Tech., Dual Degree (B.Tech.+M.Tech.), M.Tech. and Integrated (M.Sc.+M.Tech.).

All the programmes of the university are full time and the classes are held in offline mode.

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